Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Applying to graduate today. This is gonna be fun!

I don't know why but I'm so nervous about it. Like that stomach twisting, intestine churning, omg-i'm-in-so-much-trouble feeling you get when you bring a bad report card home.

Hopefully I'll feel better tonight. But probably not considering I have an entemology midterm tomorrow.

Gah we'll see.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today's fail moment: staying up 'til now to download, nay, load the downloads of 109 Bleach episodes.

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Hitting the snooze button for some extra REM (dreaming) sleep

We're all guilty of it one time or the other. Waking up at some early time when we're supposed to wake up but then hitting the snooze button to catch some extra Zzz's. It's especially worthwhile if it's a restful sleep, that REM stuff - dreaming sleep.

I definitely hit it this morning, probably to tonight's expense. I'll probably be stuck awake until 3-4 am tonight but hopefully not. Today I had interesting dreams, though, and each time I awoke and then decided to sleep again, I recaught the tail end of the dream and it continued. Man, wish that happened more often, huh?

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Really late. Or really early.

Two guys and a girl still has its charm. For the most part, ryan reynolds is really what keeps me coming back. Sharon and pete are great, sure, but sometimes they can make the scene ridiculously mind bending.

Scarlett is really lucky. But then again, maybe he's not like that in real life?

You know what else is boring me, WoW. It's grasp on me is finally giving way I think. There's just so much more to do nowadays. And also cheaper. $15 a month might not sound like much, but when there are plenty of other games to be amused by, and movies to stream and watch, I don't know if I can justify it anymore. This March might be it for me.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sickeningly sweet.

This season of Top Chef was like any other. It brought ups and downs, some favorites, some haters, and dishes that I would only dream of making.

One episode in particular comes to mind for today's circumstance. One chef made a dessert that was sickeningly sweet, and the judges were absolutely turned off by it. Padma even made a vomit-inducing face and spit it out.

Cold stone creamery does the same to me. It's so rich and sweet that any more than a couple bites and I'd probably be diabetic. But my eyes were more hungry than my stomach, so I ordered one for myself.

NOTE TO SELF: Never order from CSC unless I have 2 other people with me. And my little Tink doesn't count, because I know she'll pull a Padma on me after 1 bite.

A long time ago, Jeff Green of EA said on a podcast that CSC made portions for small families. And now I get it.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Waiting in line for tix

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So far...

List of things forgotten so far:
Ipod cable. To charge the damn thing.
Books for reading.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lunch time: seeing FB people in RL

Brett Farve retired. Again. And again his commemorative jersey will be sold for a hefty price.

Saw Katie today in DH. It was weird, recognizing a friend you read about on facebook. It was like, being in the presence of a celebrity. You kinda just stare, speechless, wonder if that really was them, and whisper to your friend, "I think I know her."

Also, last time I saw her in real life, she was blonde, in an Oak Grove cheerleader uniform, and a lot shorter. But we all know my memory's shot to hell.

*edit: maybe she wasn't that short in high school is what I meant.

Mmmm, clam pizza.
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Lunch time: seeing FB people in RL

Brett Farve retired. Again. And again his commemorative jersey will be sold for a hefty price.

Saw Katie today in DH. It was weird, recognizing a friend you read about on facebook. It was like, being in the presence of a celebrity. You kinda just stare, speechless, wonder if that really was them, and whisper to your friend, "I think I know her."

Also, last time I saw her in real life, she was blonde, in an Oak Grove cheerleader uniform, and a lot shorter. But we all know my memory's shot to hell.

Mmmm, clam pizza.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Frigid winds. Howling blasts.

Its cold. I'll admit it.

But I'm still dressed in short sleeves and shorts.

The sun's out, but its still a balmy 48 degrees.

Maybe one of the shortest blogs in a while.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Naruto sucks. (SPOILERS)

Spoiler warning: this post contains what my shotty memory can remind of in the manga up until today, Feb. 9th.

Kakashi's dead. He was so cool. And now he's gone. Killed by Pain/Pein from Akatsuki. LAME.
Ero-sannin is dead. Epic battle but killed by Pain/Pein. Understandable.
Itachi is dead. Killed by Sasuke, but was apparently on some secret mission to protect the Hidden Leaf village this whole time.
Choji's dad also died in the fight with Kakashi.

I'm tired of battles taking 5-6 chapters, meaning 5-6 weeks.
I know the story probably won't end until Naruto becomes Hokage, which means Tsunade-sama has to die. Or step down. But honestly, it's like they're doing the same thing American TV show makers do - instead of stopping it on its high point, they keep dragging it out and flay the slowly dying carcass.

One rofl point though. 106. :)

I wonder if they'll bring kakashi back. I hope they do.
And I haven't seen temari in a while. I wonder what happened to her.
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The next new social networking site?

So it started with friendster - a school based social networking - then I jumped to hi5, based on the fact that the A*Teens were on there. I got hung on xanga and blogging, and towards the end of my high school career, I hopped onto myspace. I got about a bazillion friends, and then had to delete my account because I wanted to keep my job security. I recreated another myspace, but it was too late. I half assed my myspace, only grabbing my closest firends and the ones I could find on there. Then I hit facebook, and that's been my site of choice since. I've also got a twitter account that I hardly use.

But who or what is next? And will my generation be hopping on that too? More importantly, will I follow?

I think blogging is the one thing I'll always fall back on. Why'd I leave xanga? Mostly because of Goggle's functionality and mobile blogging. Maybe one day I'll consider getting an actual domain and hosting package for this site so I can track my high-qual pics and mobile vids.

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Friday, February 6, 2009


Wowinsider, one of my premier go to world of warcraft blogs, has ju informed me I will not be getting the violet proto drake later this year once I've gotten all of my achievements for the world events because one of the achievements for brewfest - brew of the mont club - requires that I have been a member for a year and tried out all the brews. So, if were to still keep playing, it would mean I wouldn't get the violet drake until fall 2010.

And I can honestly say I don't plan on playing that much longer. This might be it.

My hopes for a proto drake now lie in three other possibilities:
1- farm the blue proto drake from heroic Utgarde Pinnacle.
2- spend 3 gold a week and try to get the green proto drake from the mysterious egg purchased from the oracles tribe in scholazar basin.
3- gather up a couple dozen heroic achievements to get the red proto drake.

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Everyone loves lists.

Things to do / see soon:
-take care of bills. Its payday!
-see the new disney channel show starring Demi Lovato that's been advertised in the mall nonstop.
-keep pushing to finish GTA 3.
-get to testing Burnout Paradise for PC. If its everything everyone says it is, I'll be needing a copy for myself.
-find time to watch the plethery of movies I have on my list.
-reservations. All sorts of reservations.

Well enough for the blogging I suppose. Time to get the hell home.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleep deprivation.

Afternoon naps are going to be my nemesis this semester. After yesterday's sleep-while-I-wait, I ended up staying up until 3:52 am. Now I'm as tired as a dog after chasing the runners of the NYC marathon.

We'll see how the rest of the day goes, but I'm not holding out hope to not fall asleep during the movie "An Inconvinient Truth" in Science 110.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Seating arrangements

Well with only 11 days and 5 hours till the St. Valentine's Vacation, or SVV as I call it, I'm buzzing with excitement.

So much that I totally got distracted and didn't yet do my reading for class. Gotta love video podcast travel guides.

I've started watching Naruto Shippuden again. They're on episode 92, which puts me about 60 some odd episodes behind. I don't know if I'm going to go for reading the manga again. Locating all those downloads is going to suck.

Episode 92 of NS was a weird non ,aruto episode. It was weird.

Well time for class. And tattoo doodling.

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Breakfast talk: (Img)

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Breakfast talk: Being snooty?

Breakfast talk this morning comes to you from the first TK noodle ever, in San Jose on 6th and William Street.

Being in a traditionally Vietnamese restaurant, I ordered, in my native tongue, a usual - huu tieu my khong hanh ngo va da. The hostess ask in perfect English "no bean sprouts and ... what?"

Now, maybe I'm be a little snooty, but who works at TK noodle house and doesn't know Vietnamese. At the TK noodle house in Lion Plaza at Tully and King, anyone who interacts with customers speaks at least 3 languages - Vietnamese, Chinese, and English. I wonder if I wasn't pointing at the menu item if she would've gotten my order right.


Ah well, order's here.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Late nite: Chef Max Payne

Having spent the latter part of my nite carefully grooming my goatee and mustache with tweezers and a mirror, only to then just shave it all off because my "design" looked rather silly, I turned back to television and movies. This weekend I picked up both star wars trilogies for my ipod, and rewatched 1 and most of 2 on my ipod and the rest on DVD. I never noticed how many questions I had about the series progression from 1-3 to 4-6. There is no mention of Obi-Wans deceased master in movies 4-6. Hayden Christiansen got patched in as an etheral Anakin Skywalker next to old Obi-Wan and Yoda!

I also finally got around to seeing Max Payne with Mark Walhburg and the hot girl from That 70s Show. Ah right, Mila Kunis. Perhaps it's because I haven't seen too many of her other works, but I disagree with many critics' reviews of her not passable as a gunslinger. She doesn't pull it off too well, but I still think she pulled the look off. Also, I now have the urge to play through all of the old Max Payne games.

Finally, as my eyes are finally beginning to droop, I finished off my nite with the latest episode of Top Chef.

Would write more but I'm falling asleep now.

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