Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2, day 1

Another day in the books.

Micro 101 lecture was cancelled this morning. Notice was given about 10 minutes into class. After the first five minutes with no teacher, we started asking each other if today was supposed to be one of her furlough days. It wasn't. She just wasn't here. Ended up hanging out with my lab buddy (read: not partner) Jerry, getting lab notebooks and manuals and the like. Finished about 10 minutes before lecture was supposed to end anyway, then headed to work.

After work, I headed to the Sprint store on Lawrence and Stevens Creek. They fixed my phone's metal ring which holds down the trackball for free. That was nice of them, I thought, considering that the place on Tully Rd. (recommended by Sprint's 611 customer service rep) said they'd charge me $35 dollars for it. Crystal, the rep from the Stevens Creek store, was so nice and attentive to me as a customer, I felt bad that she was doing it for free (in hindsight, maybe I wasn't special and they do this for free for everyone).

Following that, I headed back to my car at the light rail station where I took a quick power nap. Then back to class - note to self to email my various profs tonight - and now on the train going home.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

King buffet. Never again.

So I'm not sure if it was the tapoica pudding, the frozen yogurt, or a myriad of other things I tried. But I feel sick to my bones. I feel super hot even though I shouldn't, and good lord my stomach feels like I just ate a whole cheesecake (I'm lactose intolerant).

Note to self: I'm never going back. I don't care who's inviting me to eat there.

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1 hour into lab.

And I'm dead tired. And bored. God first days suck.

A lesson on microscopy. Gather roud kids!

I wish we had hit the ground running or something.

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Day 2. I'm gonna hate tues/thurs.

I've gotta learn to get to bed earlier. The 6:00 am wakeup time is way too early. Out the door by 6:30. Hop on the 6:45 train, and at the Paseo de San Antonio train by 7:02.

Like clockwork. Well, this is my stop.

More about micro lab, 100w, and physics later.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Being organized.

Looks like I have a good chance at getting into mammalian physiology. All I need to do is show my signed major / minor form to the professor. Now where'd I put that form ...

Had to help out freshman all day while I was on campus. Some of them were scared of walking in late, others were confused about how to add a course - like the process of day 1 in any college course - and most of them were just plain lost. I had my headphoes on most of the time too, and I am perplexed as to how that isn't a deterrent or nonverbal signal that I probably don't want to be disturbed. Kids these days, I swear.

On the light rail its completely different. Everyone and their kid has headphones on, or some sort of aloof, out the window, music video look.

Oops, train's coming.

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College hasn't changed much.

Some kid just got dropped off by his mom still in his jammies, and then proceeded to spray his entire body, front and back, with CK Eternity (recognized the bottle).

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Day 1 of school. For the last time.

On the light rail. I need to get an excel spreadsheet up and running in order to track my travel time asap to properly plan for exams and the like.

There was a train at the Oakridge station at 7:00 am just as I pulled in, which I naturally missed. The next train was at 7:15, we'll see how long this takes to get to SJSU, with all the stops on the way.

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A Complete Disney Library!

A completed Disney library of movies, from Snow White in 1937 to Wall-E in 2008.

86.0 gb

Now, to watch them all ...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

360 vs. PS3

The big discussion, ah here we go.

(These are my personal opinions, done in the style of Blorge's article)

Round 1 - Design
Both are really nicely designed. Apparently with the PS3 slim coming out next week, it'll be smaller than the 360 Pro/Elite. The 360 allows for faceplate customization, which is a plus. The PS3 is smaller though, and smaller is good.
Winner: Tie

Round 2 - Features
(1) Discs
PS3 offers Blu-ray. Not really a plus because I belive even though it won the HD format wars, the format itself is still fighting against HD downloads and DVD. Dunno if it'll win. The blu-ray media though, offers a large storage capacity (50 GB) which means less disc swapping.
Xbox360 offers HD-Dvd, which is a purchasable drive for 31.99 (last price check at Fry's).
Winner: PS3

(2) WiFi
PS3 offers built-in WiFi. The 360 has a purchasable adapter for a hundred dollars (really Microsoft, really?)
Winner: PS3

(3) Other Connectivity
PS3 offers bluetooth - use any bluetooth headset. Xbox360 offers a purchasable wireless headset for 59.99.
Winner: PS3 (because I already have a bluetooth headset)

(4) Backwards Compatibility
PS3 doesn't offer PS2 backwards compatibility. Rumors have it they might start selling PS2 games over PSN, which would be the only way to have "backwards compatibility." Xbox360 offers backwards compatiblity, assuming you have the hard drive and the latest patches.
Winner: Tie (I don't own any Xbox Original games)

(5) Graphics
Tie. Meh.

(6) Console specific games
PS3 has (for me) Bomberman Ultra, Buzz! Quiz TV, Calling All Cars!, Fat Princess, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, God of War III, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, LittleBigPlanet, LocoRoco Cocoreccho, Mag, Motorstorm, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, PixelJunk Collection, Ratchet & Clank Future Collection, Ridge Racer 7, Uncharted Collection, Warhawk
Xbox360 has Bomberman Live, Crackdown Collection, Fable II & III, Import Tuner Challenge, Project Gotham Racing 3 & 4, Raiden 4, Ridge Racer 6, Too Human
Winner: PS3

(7) Online Features
PS3's online features are free. Xbox360's silver (read: basic) membership is free. Their gold (premium) membership is $50/year. BIG TURNING POINT: Xbox360 is the exclusive streaming console for Netflix (assuming you have the gold membership)
Winner: PS3

I guess overall it's still going to be a toss up. But the logic of this blogpost says PS3. The 360 would be cost-inefficient, in terms of accessories and what not.

New car, oh my!

With plenty of time to kill, we worked our way through buying Mi her first brand new car! It was great to experience it on my own, but I think it was mostly thanks to her "I'll take it!" attitude. The car itself is a beaut, and has all of the amenities and conviniences that I'm used to. I wonder if she'll get to using her satellite radio again. It'll be a challeng to find a way to mount it, since the power plug now rests inside the center console area between the two chairs.

Blizzcon showed the release of the new WoW expansion, Catacylsm. I probably won't be going back though, considering that the guild I used to be in has mostly disbanded. Becca's gone, Tim's gone, Stephen and Sasha, Greg and Chris, Drew, Blake, and Rusty, and our GM, Rick. If I were to return, I'd only have a few friends left in the guild and we'd be back to small, tight-knit groups. No no, not again.

Congrats on your new car baby!

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today's Horoscope

There are very high chances that you will overindulge in eating and drinking this weekend. You will be exposed to a variety of good food and drinks that you will find very hard to resist. Just be careful so that things do not get out of hand. Today also presents the perfect opportunity to catch up not only with your family members but also with your friends and your neighbors. In general, your weekend will be relaxed and you will even have enough time to put in a few good hours of sleep. Adequate rest is essential for the tough week you are likely to face ahead.

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Mango Peach Topper Ideal Meal

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Jamba Juice

Guy at Oakridge jamba juice can't cut bananas to save his life haha.

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Holy Crap She Went Blonde

I dunno, blonde or brunette, I still think she's pretty.

New Theme

Finally got to fixing up my blog a bit, and editing my other ones. now has a cartoon dog theme =)

And this one has an awesome red/black contemporary theme!

Here's to more blogging as school starts!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Penny, everything is better with bluetooth.

And it is!

No more wires!


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Friday, August 7, 2009

About to land.

In case your concerned, this isn't live blogged. At the writing of this, I am still on the plane but the phone radios are off and this won't be published until I'm probably in a car.

In any case, the goal this weekend and vacation will be to have fun. To smile more. To, I don't know, do the socially acceptable thing. I can't pre-suppose that I'm going to get to live away from everyone for the rest of my life, especially if my "full life" includes getting married and having kids. Eventually.

I managed to finish what was left of Las Vegas season 1, and zomg am I hooked. I daresay that show so far is good enough to purchase on dvd/blu-ray/hd-dvd if they ever came out in hi-def. Based on the boxart, it looks like something happened at the end of season 4 though, Big Ed Deline isn't on the cover. I'm guessing James Caan (who plays Big Ed) couldn't work out a deal. Well, onto season 2! What a killer ending to season 1 though! Danny's going back to the war! He and Mary are steaming things up! And they totally set things up so that Danny could be easily explained as killed off, with him acting nervous/scared, putting his will together and everything.

I'm glad he ended up with Mary - so far. Nessa might be content by herself, and Delinda could be with a newcomer or something. Kinda sad about Sam tho.

Landing, time to stop blogging.
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