Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

I always wondered if saying something like that made you seem pathetic or sad or snooty to the outside world. I guess now I'll know.

Today is my birthday. I am now 24 years old (note to self to change that in my profile here). Today's agenda: take my micro 101 lab exam (probably do okay), attend 100w (with or without my outline), attend to my students (life doesn't stop for midterm season), and then dinner with my love to celebrate me have lived another year.

How have things changed for me now that I'm 24? Well I'm deinitely feeling the pull to gtfo of college and finish this off. People my age are graduating from graduate school for crying out loud. Of course, once I graduate this fall, I'll still probably have to come back to school to take a random assortment of courses to prepare for the credential program. But still, the one major milestone, getting a 4 year degree, still is not within my grasp.

I wonder sometimes if I'm a lost cause, just going at something because its the right thing to do at this point. Shouldn't I be passionate about what I do? I enjoy teaching, but am I passionate about it? I'm not sure. But then again, am I passionate about anything, really? Its moments like these that tell me I'm destined to be just another lay person, which may or may not be a good thing. I think I'm going to end up like that guy that you see cleaning the Dallas Cowboys stadium at the end of a game. Its not a job he's passionate about, but it gets him by, and he can provide for his family, etc.

Which brings us to the question, is being passionate about your job a necessity? Can't you just ho-hum about your job, and be passionate about your family? I don't mean to say that your job is boring or anything, its still gotta be a job you don't mind working, but maybe not exactly your passion.

High school teaching, for me, could become a passion. Or it could go completely 180 and make me despise switching out of pharmacy.

We'll have to wait and see. Right now I need to go study for this test. Haha.

Will report back at the end of the day, when I start studying for my next test.

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