Monday, January 19, 2009

Another list. WoW resolutions.

Tiink's about done with. She's gonna just be a cash cow at this point. Holysock's gone shadow, and the leveling speed is signifcantly faster. Just login, and pop up the dnd tag.

Anyways, here are some resolutions for my gaming hobby:

-get holysock to 80, and heroic geared.
-get barnystinson to 74, and turn him into a cash cow, porting people around.
-get Kathryn on Drak'Theron up to 71 to catch up to Secretia.

After having a taste of the shadow tree as a priest, I'm highly anticipating the dual-spec feature their going to add in. For classes like healers and tanks, it'll be a greatly welcomed addition, making switching for dungeons and then going back to solo leveling much easier.

But for DPS classes, I don't know how much of a useful thing it'll be. Like for tiinkerbell, she's a DPS build of frost/unholy, frost heavy. Will I ever need another spec? Blood maybe, for soloing. But not really, since my current build provides almost as much survivability. I do miss the rune tap, but everytime I feel like hitting it, my next mob's death strikes make up for it.

Chiharu, my destro lock, I suppose could use a afflic off spec for dungeons. I could be destro when I pug with low dps'ers, and when the tank has issues holding dps, I could switch to affliction.

Barnystinson, right now a frost mage - well, again, will I need any other spec? The combo of enhacing my frostbolt/frost nova/blizzard cooldowns and damage means I won't likely try out arcane or fire.

Liightbender, my now prot paladin. Again, as with healers, tanks could use dual specs very well. I could be a prot pally one second, then slap on some healing gear and bam! I'm a holy paladin!

Well more on this later.
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