Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's Another Thursday night ...

Grey's Anatomy was on TV tonight, but being "new" to watching the show, I didn't know it was on at 9. I figured a show of that nature + ratings would be on primetime at 10, duking it out with E.R. and the other hot shows for adults. (I don't mean porn, btw)

But a quick visit to the Grey's Anatomy ABC website shows that I'll be able to watch the full episode at 2AM PST the following day. Which means, tonight, while I stay up all night studying for tomorrow's Chem 1B exam, I'll be able to take a quick 1 hr break to catch the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy! Nice!

You should all note that Hubert Pan [] has had an adverse effect on my life. He's just this old [27? 28?] post-bac from Stanford who wants to become a doctor who just happens to be one of the smartest "kids" in class. But he's really cool and hard to hate just because he gets good grades - in fact it's more like one of those love/hate relationships ... grr you want to dislike him but he's so awesomely cool that you just can't help but be friends with him. Haha take it for what you will.

Anyways, he works for google, and I spotted his blog, and now have started my own.

I really REALLY have to get back to homework. It's due at 11.55 pm tonight ...

and then there's the studying ...