Friday, December 15, 2006

Finals are over! Sleep time!

Yay, finals are finally over! I finished my chemistry 1B final this morning, and I feel very confident about it.

So booyah! I'm off to eat my ramen! Yummy! C-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-i-o-n time, c'mon!

Saturday, December 9, 2006

A Mad Rush To Find The Perfect Gift / Finals! (Read: Sleep Deprivation Week)

As I head into the last week of school - finals' week - I've also got about a bazillion things to do related to the holidays. Planning our Xmas dinner, possibly a holiday trip, birthday gifts (two people), figuring out my bills (read: tricky work), and most importantly Xmas cards! Oh wait, add to that a birthday party next Saturday, and a crazy week the week after finals.
Add to that, all of my finals put me in pass/fail status. These tests will determine my future, my next semester, my life.


Time to get back to studying / last minute homework for Geology 103 class.

Friday, December 1, 2006

A successful Friday!

I started off my day by waking up late for my Chem 1B test! CRAP! I still remember Dr. Mayer refusing to let one of my classmates take an exam because he got there half an hour late. Granted, he probably wasn't going to finish the test, but still, he could've gotten some points, right? But who am I to talk, I didn't actually hear the conversation.

I did okay on the test, for once, although I walked out and immediately grabbed the sample exam only to go "DAMN! I KNEW I'D FORGET THAT!"

Nothing else really noteworthy comes to my tired mind. T-G-I-F ...

I'm going to go play some Unreal 2k4 before I head to bed. I just got a copy of Battlefield 2, but I'm too lazy to try it out. Maybe tomorrow!